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A Letter From Shanghai

It's always good to hear back from an old student and more heartening to know how well the child is doing. The child started from our Playschool class and moved on to our Chinese weighted Kindergarten class, where Chinese is taught as a first language.

We have given all our love and done our best to give our child the best start. Z, we wish you take this early advantage to achieve greater heights and happiness in life!

(The English version of the letter is translated by the school. The name of the child has been modified to protect the identity of the child.)



毫无疑问,孩子在Trinity渡过的学前教育的两年多生活,给孩子今后的人生路打下了良好的基础。非常感谢Trinity 的老师给孩子提供了这样开心、健康又富有知识熏陶的环境。也衷心祝愿Trinity越办越好,让更多的孩子能有机会接受Trinity提供的教育机会。"

It’s almost a month since we return to Shanghai. My daughter, Z, is still asking me periodically when we are returning to Malaysia so she can see her teachers and friends at school (Trinity Kids). It strikes me on hindsight how much she loves and misses Trinity Kids. 

When we were still living in Kuala Lumpur, I remember picking Z up after a day of school. The big smiles on the faces of my child and other children, the patient and even lingering demeanor of the teachers despite it being the closing time, told me that my child had another great day at school. There’s few things that warms a mother’s heart more than seeing her child happy and healthy.

We have been meeting up with friends and relatives upon our return and have received pleasant feedbacks on the communication skill and charismatic personality of my child. In fact, she shows particular strengths in languages, music and art, which far exceeds my expectation. In our search for a new school in Shanghai, Z was assessed at a famous institution in Shanghai and my 5 year old is placed at the 8 year old level of an American primary school! In addition, we were given favourable feedbacks of her attitude and work after brief sessions in violin and art. She shows a keen interest in her environment and general affairs, retains a lively yet courteous, respectful manner. My heart swells with pride when I observe her interaction with her peers and I am grateful to Trinity from the bottom of my heart.

I believe these unbiased feedbacks from other educators, friends and relatives of Z have to be credited to Trinity. Trinity’s unique blend of philosophy, curriculum, team of patient educators and suite of programs has created the ideal environment to nurture this.

Z has acquired a strong foundation for life through her years at Trinity. Thank you, Trinity, for creating a happy, safe, secure and amazing learning space. I wish you will scale to greater heights, Trinity, so more children can benefit from your program.

Allison, mother of Z, a child from our Playschool and Preschool program''

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