Dear Daisy,
We would like to take this great opportunity to say THANK YOU to all teachers at Trinity Verve. Thank you for providing M a wonderful and fun pre-school journey. We are truly blessed that Mason was well taken care of.
Besides that, I would like to say that you guys are doing so great during this pandemic. Digital learning has never been easy as a start, but all teachers are doing so good! Thumbs up to all. M will definitely miss all his friends and teachers. We truly appreciate all your care for him.
Special thanks to Teacher Ka Vian,Teacher Lily, Teacher Erica, Teacher Ila, Teacher Barathi, Teacher Sherence, Teacher Mei Yan, Chin Ni 老师,Pei Hua 老师 and of cause Teacher Daisy for leading such a great team.
All the best & Take care!
Mommy G