Thank you for taking time to write us an email. We never forget a child and it means so much to receive news about two children (and their family) who recently left Malaysia.
'Dear all,
We cannot thank the wonderful team at Trinity enough for everything they’ve done for our sons, W and C.
When we first moved to KL we were initially apprehensive of how W would adapt to a nursery, having had a previously bad experience in the UK. We were concerned by his speech delay and tactile issues, but Trinity worked with us and the advice passed on from our speech and occupational therapists.
W became happier with each day he went to your school, starting from half days and eventually moving to full days. The songs he sang at school with other children were vital in us first having a means to communicate with him. Whoever thought that “If you’re happy and you know it” and "BINGO" would be instrumental in having a means to instruct a child?!
The baby room for C was a lovely little space and the porpors treated him like their own grandson. It got to one stage where C would be fussy with his mum’s cooking because the cooks at Trinity made such tasty meals for him!
LittleLives was excellent for seeing photos of what the boys got up to each day. It also meant we could have a bit of fun with the check-in and check-out photos! The LittleLives integration was especially useful for our younger son C. We’d know exactly when he slept and ate, so we knew when we collected him when he would be tired or need to eat.
Currently, in the UK we have to speak with teachers every time for a handover report, which sometimes isn’t easy with other parents and children also rushing to collect at the same time.
The nursery was very clean and accommodating. We also made a little circle of friends from the other parents. The teachers were all so kind. The friendly faces each day made a big difference. The nursery was very clean and well organised - we never lost any of our children’s items there (clearly we need to try harder next time!)
It was hard to say goodbye in the final few days. I was nearly in tears when I collected them on the final afternoon! We miss the nursery dearly, and even 1 month on when we show photos to the boys at their old school they grin and laugh, and point at certain teachers or pupils. We referred five other parents to you and hope they have the same memories and experiences with their children.
We wish you every success for the future and we’ll drop by if we’re ever in town again!
Best wishes,
Peter Burch Father of W (Toddler class, Playschool) and C (Baby class, Playschool)'
P.S. The original email has been edited to protect the identity of the children.